Esimatic vs Flexiroam

We've compared Esimatic and Flexiroam side-by-side and highlighted key elements for you to make a quick decision, such as pricing, data volume, coverage, and user reviews.

In a nutshell, the average price for a 1GB, 7-day plan is $38.77 for Esimatic and $13.93 for Flexiroam. Esimatic has coverage in 190 countries, while Flexiroam covers 121 countries.

Pros & Cons

eSIM providers Pros Cons
    No info available.
    No info available.
    No info available.
    No info available.

User Reviews

Esimatic (average rating of No ratings available./5): No reviews available.

Flexiroam (average rating of No ratings available./5): No reviews available.

Here you will find the prices for Esimatic and Flexiroam for their 1GB data plans for the most popular destinations.

Country Esimatic Plan (USD) Flexiroam Plan (USD)
France $10.89 (Global) N/A (N/A)
Italy $10.89 (Global) N/A (N/A)
Japan $3.99 (Japan) $4.00 (Japan 1GB 7 Days)
Mexico $10.89 (Global) $5.75 (Mexico 1GB 7 Days)
Spain $10.89 (Global) N/A (N/A)
United States $10.89 (Global) $4.00 (United States 1GB 7)

Data Size Comparison

eSIM Average Data (GB) Max Data (GB) Min Data (GB)
Esimatic 4.03 50 1
Flexiroam 2.94 Unlimited 1

Countries Supported

Here is the full list of countries that Esimatic vs Flexiroam are providing their eSIM services.

And this list is only for the gap analysis between the two eSIM providers:

eSIM compared